
1-2-3-4-5-6 =21

found a little treasure when I was cleaning
En skorpa



När det här är det mest händelserika som hänt under dagen.

The Curious Incident with the Dog in the Night-Time.
My memory is like a film….And when people ask me to remember something I can simply press Rewind and Fast Forward and Pause like on a video recorder….If someone says to me, 'Christopher, tell me what your mother was like,' I can rewind to lots of different scenes and say what she was like in those scenes.
Mark Haddon
Mark Haddon
Comptine D'ete N° 17

Survival kid

Jolian riskerade livet för att rida islandshästar.
och överlevde

Skorpans egna öl och lite OT. Bra dag

The traditional technique for line drying involves giving each garment a quick shake to snap out the wrinkles before hanging them on the balcony

Mamma pappa båt